
It’s me… the plaid guy. (or is proper grammar “it is I”?) (that would actually  be funny, because then it would rhyme “it is I… the plaid guy”)

I am eating lunch at the Fort Wayne Campus (aka apartment 2B) for the first time ever.

It’s hard to believe that I have lived here for almost a whole 2 weeks and have never eaten lunch here (even though it’s only 2 minutes from my job)

I’m writing this blog post for a variety of reasons:

1) I am sleep deprived. I have not gone to bed before 11 a single night this whole weeks. Be it movie watching, book reading, bloon tower defense 3 playing (don’t judge me. I’m only slightly addicted), or small group (where I consumed a large number of jelly beans and then was on a slight sugar high for the next… oh… hour or so) (and this hour was from 11:00 pm until 12:00 am).

2) Marta is sleeping in the bedroom and I am sitting in the living room in the dark… and it’s kind of creepy / awkward / awesome all at the same time… but, to keep myself from talking to myself (which I was doing in the minutes leading up to this blog post) I decided I’d talk to the blogging world instead. You should feel so lucky.

3) This orange from Aldi is delicious. You should buy some.

4) I have eaten 2 caramel apple pops since writing the last blog post, and I thought the world would like to know that I am, in fact, still living and capable of consuming candy without a near-death experience.

5) Now that I live here in the Fort Wayne Campus (aka apartment 2B), I have been proof reading all of my blog posts for Marta before they’ve gone public. She commented, off hand, that she missed the surprise of getting to read them for the first time by herself.  (Those were the words she said. I could have translated them to mean “I hate hearing you read your blog to me. stop it”… but, when trying to adjust to living with someone, I’ve heard it said that one should be careful how one interprets the words of the other… meaning, if she says something that could be taken two ways, and one of them was hurtful… assume it was meant the good way. (unless the words she said were “you are very ugly and I hate you”.  The only assumption there can be that she meant it the hurtful way.) (She has never said that. Thanks, Marta. You are very pretty and I love you) And so, I have assumed that the meaning behind the words that she said (in case you have forgotten, they were “I miss the surprise of getting to read your blog posts for the first time by myself”) was “I love hearing you read your blog posts out loud, but (equally) I love the surprise of finding out you’ve blogged by getting an email”).  So, to mend this rift that has come between us (as small as it may be) I have written an entire blog post without reading it aloud to her (though, she wouldn’t hear it even if I did read it… because she’s sleeping…)

6) This orange from Aldi is delicious. You should buy some. (I realize I am repeating myself. I just really think you should know)

That is all for now. Thanks for tuning in to “Lunch Time With The Plaid Guy”.  Come back next time for “The Adventures of Eating Dessert First”.